Dieser Patch ist lediglich mit der deutschen Retail Boxversion des Spiels kompatibel. Die Box hat standardmäßig ungepatcht die Version 1.0.8, daher ist es sehr wichtig, dass man zuerst das Update zu 1.1.2, dann zu 1.2.1 und anschließend zu 1.4.4 durchführt, bevor man diesen Patch installiert.
ACHTUNG: Wenn du das Spiel aktualisiert, sind deine ehemaligen Savegames nicht mehr kompatibel: Dein Fortschritt im Spiel selbst bleibt erhalten (Freigeschaltete Levels, Badges, etc.), jedoch wird der Fortschritt innerhalb der Level selbst nicht übernommen.
Savegame kompatibel?
- Nein
Dieser Patch ist lediglich mit der deutschen Retail Boxversion des Spiels kompatibel. Die Box hat standardmäßig ungepatcht die Version 1.0.8, daher ist es sehr wichtig, dass man zuerst das Update zu 1.1.2 und 1.2.1 durchführt, bevor man diesen Patch installiert.
ACHTUNG: Wenn du das Spiel aktualisiert, sind deine ehemaligen Savegames nicht mehr kompatibel: Dein Fortschritt im Spiel selbst bleibt erhalten (Freigeschaltete Levels, Badges, etc.), jedoch wird der Fortschritt innerhalb der Level selbst nicht übernommen.
Savegame kompatibel?
- Nein
Dieser Patch ist lediglich mit der deutschen Retail Boxversion des Spiels kompatibel. Die Box hat standardmäßig ungepatcht die Version 1.0.8, daher ist es sehr wichtig, dass man zuerst das Update zu 1.1.2 und anschließend das Update auf die Version 1.1.2 durchführt.
ACHTUNG: Wenn du das Spiel aktualisiert, sind deine ehemaligen Savegames nicht mehr kompatibel: Dein Fortschritt im Spiel selbst bleibt erhalten (Freigeschaltete Levels, Badges, etc.), jedoch wird der Fortschritt innerhalb der Level selbst nicht übernommen.
Savegame kompatibel?
- Nein
Changelog (from 1.1.2. to 1.2.1):
- Added new control options:
- "Invert Camera Movement"
- "Invert Camera Rotation"
- "Invert Camera Zoom"
- "Invert Aiming"
- Set V-Sync default to 60 for new installs
- Set V-Sync in menu to 60 (independent from V-Sync setting in Video options)
- Set unknown gamepad default to not enabled (can be re-enabled in the options menu)
- Added user data backup
- Added key bindings for character multiselecting and camera dragging
- Fixed errors at game start that resulted in only showing a black screen
- Achievements completed in the demo should now complete correctly on Steam
- Eye-Tracking: SpeedUp and Fix of Bungee-Zoom
- Chinese localization reworked
- Other minor localization fixes
Dieser Patch ist lediglich mit der deutschen Retail Boxversion des Spiels kompatibel. Die Box hat standardmäßig ungepatcht die Version 1.0.8 und das Update aktualisiert es auf die Version 1.1.2.
Wenn du das Spiel aktualisiert, sind deine ehemaligen Savegames nicht mehr kompatibel: Dein Fortschritt im Spiel selbst bleibt erhalten (Freigeschaltete Levels, Badges, etc.), jedoch wird der Fortschritt innerhalb der Level selbst nicht übernommen.
Savegame kompatibel?
- Nein
Updating the game will break your in-level savegames:
While your overall progress (unlocked levels, awarded badges, etc) will carry over, the progress within levels will be lost.
New Feature: Multi Controller Support
New Feature: Now supporting 5.1 and 7.1 surround sound
New Feature: Now supporting Tobii Eyetracking
Improved German subtitles
Improved User Interface on various aspect ratios
Improved statistics screen layout
Fixed the video plugin
Fixed various animation issues
Improved display on 21:9 resolutions
Improved the game's response to "Alt+Ener"(WIN) / "CMD+F" (OSX)
Fixed a bug that caused difficulty to change when using the "continue" function in certain cases
Fixed a bug that caused errors if the computer activated its screensaver
Fixed a bug that caused issues with savegames in certain cases
Fixed a bug that caused performance issues when a character died
Fixed a bug that displayed a green screen instead of the game intro videos on useraccounts with special characters in their name
Fixed a bug that would cause performance to drop in complex physics situations
Fixed a bug where AppleMenuBar and AppleDoc would be caused to pop up during border scrolling
Fixed a bug where gamepad input would be registered and carried out while tabbed out of the game
Fixed a bug where tabbing out caused various issues (Ubuntu)
Fixed a bug where the default key for rotation opened the Quicklaunch bar (Ubuntu)
Fixed a bug where the game could start to a black screen when starting the game with a gamepad that had not been introduced to the game before
Fixed the way the game handles changed language through Steam
Improved the credits fade out
Fixed a bug that would set the wrong input type when rebinding certain actions
Fixed a bug where after deleting a savegame in the main menu and pressing continue, the game would restart the last played level while newer quicksaves were available.
Fixed a bug where certain options were not saved correctly when leaving the game
Fixed a bug where disconnecting a gamepad while loading the main menu would not display any buttons, resulting in the menu not being usable
Fixed a bug where no resolution was displayed in video options on first startup
Fixed a bug where quickload would work from the options menu causing various problems
Fixed a bug where savegames could not be deleted from the main menu
Fixed a bug where some menu entries did not display a discription
Fixed a bug where texture resolution settings affected the mini maps
Fixed a bug where the four sliders in the gameplay options played wrong sounds
Fixed a bug where the reveal animation for a level was played every time the previous one was completed
Fixed a bug where turning Master Volume to 0 did not mute the whole game
Fixed order of standard badges to be consistent
[Hida Village] Fixed a bug where civilians detected player characters
[Hida Village] Fixed a bug where civilians displayed a black viewcone
[Hida Village] Fixed a bug where killing one of Okkoto's guards caused the mission to fail
[Hida Village] Fixed a routine where a guard investigated without any delay
[Hida Village] Fixed a routine where a guard stopped patrolling after certain interactions
[Imai Town] Fixed a brush that didn't affect view cones as suggested by its position
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug that allowed corpses to be thrown through a locked gate
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug that allowed Mugen to be selected before he was on the screen
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug that allowed to play the level without ever activating Mugen
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug that caused actions prepared in shadow mode to be executed immediately
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug that prevented Yuki from using skills when skipping the intro
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug where a guard was falsely displayed on the minimap
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug where certain objects were not marked as interactive correctly
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug where inactive mission objectives would not be focussed on selection
[Imai Town] Fixed a bug where the key icon was displayed falsely after loading
[Imai Town] Fixed a Samurai's view cone that was displayed wrong
[Imai Town] Fixed a wall that allowed characters to perform actions through it
[Imai Town] Fixed an issue that prevented a guard from entering doors
[Imai Town] Fixed positioning of a patrolling civilian to keep him from looking into a brush by accident
[Imai Town] Fixed the wall of a building that was missing
[Kage-Sama's Camp] Fixed a bug where assets were still highlighted in the cutscene
[Kanazawa City] Fixed a bug that allowed the player to lock the mission target inside his tent, so the level could not be finished
[Kanazawa City] Fixed a bug where skipping a cutscene allowed killing the mission target prematurely, which resulted in a cutscene not triggering correctly
[Kanazawa City] Fixed a gate that did not affect character orientation as intended
[Kanazawa City] Fixed several minor issues (e.g. walls that could be clipped into, locations where throw option was not recognized correctly)
[Kanazawa City] Improved accessibility by making jump actions available in several locations
[Kanazawa City] Improved the mise-en-scène in severals locations to give a more belivable overall feeling
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed a bug where a badge was rewarded without fulfilling the conditions
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed a bug where guards would not pursue characters into buildings when chasing them
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed a bug where Takuma didn't make any noise when sprinting
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed a bug where Yuki could not interact with a gong correctly
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed a roof that allowed stones to be thrown through it
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Fixed several instances where leaves on the ground or water were flickering
[Lord Yabu's Estate] Improved guard's reaction to hearing the gong
[Matsuyama City] Fixed a bug where a pair of Samurai was not displayed on the minimap correctly
[Matsuyama City] Fixed positioning of several civilians
[Matsuyama City] Fixed several bugs with inaccessible/ not smoothly accesible areas
[Matsuyama City] Fixed several issues with the area around the extaction zone at the boat
[Matsuyama City] Fixed several jump actions that should or should not be possible
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a civilian could be distracted by Kuma and stay in that state indefinately
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a guard got stuck when lured to a certain position
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a guard made walking sounds without moving when distracted
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a guard's routine could break if an alarm was triggered at a certain time
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a patroling Samurai would discontinue his routine in certain cases
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a patroling Samurai would not recognize missing/knocked out guards
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where a Samurai could get stuck investigating footsteps forever
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where certain objects were not marked as interactive correctly
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where characters would not leave tracks
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where guards could see through the wall of a guard tower
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a bug where the minimap was displayed falsely at the start of the level
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed a door that was locked/unlocked at the wrong times
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Fixed several issues where the camera could clip into terrain
[Mount Tsuru (Prison)] Smoothed out the Navmesh in some locations
[Mount Tsuru] Fixed a bug that allowed conditions of a badge to be bypassed
[Mount Tsuru] Fixed a bug that caused music to play during mission briefing
[Mount Tsuru] Fixed a bug where the disguise tutorial note did not work correctly
[Mount Tsuru] Fixed some oxen that were falsely marked as interactive
[Mount Tsuru] Fixed subtitles that were displayed falsely
[Myogi Pass] Fixed a bug where a soundfile was not played correctly when the Samurai seach the wagon
[Myogi Pass] Fixed a bug where certain objects were not marked as interactive correctly
[Myogi Pass] Fixed a bug where Kuma could not find its way back to Takuma when calling it back
[Myogi Pass] Fixed a bug where sleeping Samurai killed characters that tried to knock them out
[Myogi Pass] Fixed routine of a guard that looked in the wrong direction after certain interactions
[Myogi Pass] Fixed routine of a samurai that caused other guards to be suspicious
[Myogi Pass] Fixed the position of the alchemy station tool tip
[Nakasendo Road] Fixed a bug where badge including an ox was not awarded correctly
[Nakasendo Road] Fixed a bug where certain actions could delay a dialogue
[Nakasendo Road] Fixed a bug where certain objects were not marked as interactive correctly
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where a crane could not be interacted with
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where an ingame icon was displayed falsely (gamepad)
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where an officer would restart his dialogue every time a character entered/re-entered his view cone
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where clicking on the objective "Destroy the gate" focussed the wrong location
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where knocked out guards could be thrown onto the wall, trapping them in that location
[Osaka Castle] Fixed a bug where Mugen could be selected prematurely
[Osaka Castle] Fixed some minor camera issues
[Suganuma Village] Fixed a bug where a cutscene could be triggered twice which locked gameplay indefinately
[Suganuma Village] Fixed several oxen that were falsely marked as interactive
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug that cause Aiko to become invisible when entering the well in disguise
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug that caused female corpses to behave strangely when stripping them for their disguise after hiding them (Aiko)
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug that prevented badges connected to the wells from getting awarded
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where a guard disappeared after skipping the intro
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where Aikos powder did not work as intended
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where clicking on mission targets in the log focussed the wrong locations
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where conditions of a badge could be bypassed
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where corpses could become suspicous
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where entering one well with Kuma locked the other one
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where some guards had the wron indicator color on the minimap
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where the mission target could be killed in shadow mode only
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a bug where the mission target could be shot multiple times
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed a wall that allowed characters to jump through it
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed an issue that allowed characters to clip inside castle walls in certain places
[Sunpu Castle] Fixed an issue that allowed the mission target to be killed prematurely
[Sunpu Castle] Smoothed out the navmesh in some places
New Feature: Badges that have been completed again in the current run are now marked in statistics screen
New Feature: Cheaters will now be called out on the statistics screen
New feature: Quickloading a savegame from another level now requires a confirmation to proceed
Improved behaviour of sleeping guards being woken up
Improved ingame text display for NPC dialogues
Fixed minor spelling errors in several languages
Fixed a bug where the "collect all badges" achievement was not rewarded correctly
Fixed a bug that allowed knocked out civilians to be picked up while regaining consciousness
Fixed a bug that allowed the questlog to be closed accidentally
Fixed a bug that allowed two characters to interact with the same object at the same time, causing jitter
Fixed a bug that caused the wrong skill interface to be displayed in shadow mode in certain cases (gamepad)
Fixed a bug that prevented character items to be picked up from unter a stack of barrels (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where "LSHIFT" was falsely displayed as "RSHIFT"
Fixed a bug where "Press any key" to continue after loading a level did not work correctly
Fixed a bug where a black overlay was displayed when a character got shot in certain cases
Fixed a bug where a black overlay was not reset correctly
Fixed a bug where a characters position was not updated correctly in shadow mode if it was triggered while the character was moving
Fixed a bug where a key became inaccessible when hiding its carriers corpse in a brush
Fixed a bug where achievements were rewarded despite cheating
Fixed a bug where Aiko lost her disguise when killing knocked out guards
Fixed a bug where Aiko lost her disguise while aiming with her matchlock pistol (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where Aiko would lose her disguise when walking over dropped torches
Fixed a bug where an investigating guard would raise an alarm despite the corpse being hidden in time
Fixed a bug where autorun was not executed correctly when ordered in shadow mode (with RTS controls)
Fixed a bug where background music could be triggered to play twice
Fixed a bug where badges were not marked as failed if they could not be completed in the current run anymore
Fixed a bug where characters avoided moving through brushes
Fixed a bug where CMD-key (OSX) was callend WIN-key (WIN) (OSX)
Fixed a bug where guards would not react to noise made by Mugen
Fixed a bug where interaction options with guards would not be displayed correctly (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where it was not possible to use a hookshot if a trap was placed directly beneath it
Fixed a bug where it was possible to skip a cutscene in the menu, resulting in the letterboxing being displayed during normal play
Fixed a bug where keyboard inputs were not recognized after specific interactions with tutorial scrolls
Fixed a bug where knock out action was permanently locked with no option to switch back to kill action (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where Kuma became uncontrollable after throwing a rock onto it with Mugen
Fixed a bug where letterboxing wasn't removed correctly after cutscenes (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where Mugen would play Sake interaction voice lines at the wrong time
Fixed a bug where NPCs moved at the wrong speed after being knocked out, carried around, dropped somewhere and waking up again
Fixed a bug where player characters could display a red outline
Fixed a bug where queuing picking up an NPCs corpse directly after killing them would just drop the body
Fixed a bug where Samurai would not get stuck when shot on a ladder
Fixed a bug where some interactions were not available after switching between input devices
Fixed a bug where the disguis icon for Aiko was displayed wrongly in certain cases
Fixed a bug where the DualShock4 gamepad's touchpad did not display an icon
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor kept being displayed at the center of the screen, after switching to gamepad (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where the view cone marker placement indicator was locked to the upper corners (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where the view cone marker was placed offset to the placement marker
Fixed a bug where tutorial notes would not display correctly
Fixed a bug where UI flickered when standing half way between two interaction points (gamepad)
Fixed a bug where waypoints were not set correctly (RTS layout)
Fixed a routine where an extinguished and relit torch caused wrong behaviour and viewcone color
Fixed an issue where civilians kept their purple view cones after investigating a torch that was then relit by someone else
Fixed an issue where guards could teleport to the top of ladders in certain cases
Fixed an issue where the continue button did not appear after a level finished loading
Fixed an issue where the lines displayed when characters enter a building were flickering
Fixed several hints that were displayed wrongly (OSX)
Fixed several instances of gamepad sprites being offset
Fixed several instances where text would overflow its container
Fixed several issues where gamepad icons were displayed falsely (OSX)
Fixed several issues with UI layering
Speaker settings now can only be switched in main menu to prevent audio issues
Throw body into water action is now consistently marked with an icon
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