Send us two files to

1.“Iratus.log” (txt. format): C or D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Iratus Lord of the Dead
2. Whole save folder as an archive: C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Unfrozen\Iratus

Iratus: Lord of the Dead is a dark fantasy-style turn-based tactical roguelike RPG in development. Instead of the traditional premise of a stereotypical RPG, you will stand by the dark side and help necromancer Iratus to escape from the dungeon he was imprisoned in centuries ago.

As a true necromancer, Iratus dislikes using weapons by himself and prefers to destroy his enemies with obedient minions such as skeletons, zombies and vampires.

If you’re interested in Iratus, we would be grateful if you could share information about the game with your friends, including sharing it on social networks. You can send your feedback on balance and gameplay to our official Discord channel. We are looking forward to constructive feedback from our community. Your comments and requests are extremely important to us for making this game as exciting as possible.

You're welcome to publicly share your experiences and adventures, so feel free to stream, record video, and post screenshots.

Iratus has always been a community effort and that doesn't change with Early Access. We are always open to community suggestion for changes or new content ideas and requests either on the forums and discussion boards or in direct communication on our Discord server. Early Access players can report issues, submit ideas for new characters, mechanics, skills and make feature requests. We also have Facebook and VK pages where you can get in touch with us and express your thoughts and ideas.

In certain situations a language change is not correctly displayed in the game and the voice over may stop completely. Please restart the game after chanhing language.

In the upper left corner of the minion menu. If you click the feather, you can rename your favorite.

It depends on the value and amount of stress attacks.

For the Vampire, pay attention to Iratus magic talents. For the Fallen Dhampir, pay attention to Dhampir feature.

Only the minion type determines which consumable you’ll get.

Just RMB on the spell you want to change.

Difficulty level is shown at the left bottom corner, next to the version. T — tutorial, E — Cakewalk, N — More Pain!, H — Good Always Wins, EH — Eternal Harvest.

Visit the Official Website of Iratus: Lord of the Dead

Game website

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